Mentone Family Resource Center

Our Family Resource Center Program integrates programs and services so that children are given the opportunity to succeed in life. Since 2002, the Family Resource Centers have evolved to become a bridge that connects families more quickly and appropriately- improving family functioning & children's lives. We provide comprehensive case management services to increase health and the well-being of individuals.
The Family Resource Centers serve as a community hub that brings together community resources to inform, educate, and advocate for families to gain access to necessary opportunities to provide their children a stable and healthy living environment.
Access to the following resources are offered at this location:
food, clothing, & shelter resources, counseling programs through both our partners and within our centers, tutoring and youth program resources through our boost program, adult and parent education.
Colt Closet
Mentone FRC provides free clothing and school items to students and adults who are homeless, or reside in low-income communities so they can improve their lives, improve attendance, and fill the gaps that parents are unable to meet. Donations are always accepted!
Social Cafe is a time for parents to network and socialize with other parents. Social Cafe at this FRC is on 4th Tuesday of each month from 7:45 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. Parents are provided a free continental breakfast, and have some time to mingle with each other. Our social cafe's are structured to provide parents with family support and address the needs of the community.
Every Friday morning, bread is donated from Panera to this FRC location. Bread Friday's is free to anyone in the community. We offer Bagels, Loafs, Sliced Bread, Baked Goods, Bread Bowl Loafs, Baguettes. Come down and enjoy some breakfast to accompany your morning cup of coffee from 7:45 A.M - 9:00 A.M.